Considerations of Implicit Bias & Therapeutic Interventions

SPELLERS the movie won Best Documentary and Donor’s Choice Award at its premier at the Phoenix Film Festival and this film is changing the way the world perceives non-speaking individuals with autism. The SPELLERS film [...]

Soused in Toxins, It’s Getting Worse: By James Lyons-Weiler, PhD | United For Healthcare Summit 2022

Autism and chronic diseases are linked to toxic exposures. Learn how scientists study the toxicity of chemicals often found in food, water, air, and medicine via animal and environmental surveys, the measurements used, and the [...]

Foundations of the Approach to Chronic Symptoms By Dr. James Neuenschwander | United For Healthcare Summit 2022

Under the Surface: The Foundations of the Integrative Approach to Chronic Symptoms Presented Dr. James Neuenschwander, a REACT Director. Learn about the foundations of the integrative/functional medicine approach to chronic conditions and the biochemistry that underlies [...]

Wireless Communication Radiation: By Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. | United For Healthcare Summit 2022

Did you know there are hundreds of scientific studies linking neurological symptoms to wireless frequencies? Dr. Beverley Rubik explains how wireless radiation in our environment is harming every cell in our bodies and is linked [...]

Glyphosate and GMOs Presented By Zen Honeycutt At The United For Healthcare Summit 2022

Learn how diet and chemicals, such as pesticides/herbicides, effect our health and may be causing autistic-like symptoms from this mom, who turned her son’s autism around by eliminating the toxins in his food. Zen Honeycutt [...]